SECURITY | Access Control

Venues are divided into different accreditation zones. Access control team makes sure that the accreditation zones are followed by all participants. The access control guides audience and other participants (e.g. media representatives) and checks accreditation cards at a designated desk point and directs people to the right places if necessary. Team members make sure that all participants know the allowed routes and areas for them in the arenas (e.g VIP-areas, players’ areas). You co-operate with the arena’s security services.


Event guide and Eco team guide tournament participants and spectators near and inside the tournament arenas. You are well prepared with the tournament info. If you don’t know answer to a question, you know how to find out the answer. You are familiar with the arenas and their surroundings. You also guide participants in questions related to recycling, using the public transportation and drinking tap water. At time to time, you are working at the info stand.


There are multiple event partners who are involved in tournament and we want to make sure everything runs smoothly. You help the event partners with their stands at the arenas. You also assist building other stands and activities in the arena expo area. During the tournament you are ready to solve problems and answer to inquiries related to stands.


Ticket sales team sell the tournament tickets at the arena ticket office and coordinate ticket deliveries (group bookings, VIP-tickets, printing tickets). Team members also guide spectators if they have questions about the tournament.

SPECTATOR SERVICES | VIP- and Cloakroom Services

This team makes sure that everything runs smoothly in the VIP areas and take care of the VIP cloakroom services. You welcome the VIP guests, answer their questions and guide them to their seats. You also help with the interviews and other program that is happening in the VIP areas.


This team makes sure that school groups’ visit runs smoothly. They receive the groups, guide and take care of them and confirm that the school group leaves as agreed. During the tournament, various activities for school children can be carried out in the corridors and the team also plans pre-assignments for children.

COMPETITION | Tournament Officials

Tournament officials assist in basic official tasks of the game event, for example supervise the penalty bench or assist in the game timing.

COMPETITION | Tournament Office

Tournament Office is the heart of event organization and this is the place where everything happens! You have a thorough knowledge about the tournament, and you share information to the teams and volunteers when needed. You make sure the office is functional and there are enough materials and office supplies needed.

COMPETITION | Statistics & Scores Team

This team makes sure all the official match statistics and other data are gathered. Team makes sure that the data is in right form and is available for anyone who needs them soon after each match.

COMPETITION | Court Program and Ceremonies

The team makes sure e.g. intermission program and ceremonies run smoothly in correct schedule and make sure that the people that taking part in the ceremony arrive in time and walk them to their places. Before the matches you ensure the teams are ready to step to the arena. Some of the team members work as a hall announcer and DJ.

COMPETITION | Referee Services

This small but efficient team make sure the referees have the best possible circumstances during the tournament.

COMPETITION | ADT-assistants

Antidoping Assistants assist the Anti-Doping Agency by helping the player to find the right facilities. Doping Control Officer gives you further instructions.


Team guides help teams with the practical arrangements during the entire tournament and are a crucial link between the team, local organizing committee and the IFF.


Team members will take part in the event construction and maintenance at the tournament arenas. The event construction starts few days before the official tournaments and is completed when the event is been deconstructed and the arenas are emptied.

ADMINISTRATION | Volunteer Services + Health Security

In volunteer services you make sure that all the volunteers have good conditions during the tournament. In volunteer services, you for example help with the volunteer gear and provide information about the volunteer food services. Volunteer services also include maintaining the volunteer facilities including Volunteer Lounge (tidying up and sanitizing the facilities and making sure there is enough coffee etc.).

ADMINISTRATION | Accreditation

In the accreditation center, the team prepare the accreditation passes (take photos, print and finalize) and hand them over to the right persons. Most of the passes are done in advance but there might be cases where the person hasn’t accredited in advance. You make sure all the details are correct and solve unclear cases. You guide participants about the allowed routes and areas in the arenas.

ENVIRONMENT | Event Guide Team

Event guide and Eco team guide tournament participants and spectators near and inside the tournament arenas. You are well prepared with the tournament info. If you don’t know answer to a question, you know how to find out the answer. You are familiar with the arenas and their surroundings. You also guide participants in questions related to recycling, using the public transportation and drinking tap water. At time to time, you are working at the info stand.

COMMUNICATIONS | Communication Team

Communication team prepares tournament news, announcements, and materials to event website and other channels. Communication team also produces content to social media and assists the official TV-production team.

MEDIA SERVICES | Media Services Team

Media Services Team take part in the media accreditation and assist media guests. You make sure everything works well in the media seating area, media room and mixed zone. You prepare materials for media guests before and after the matches and help the teams where to find the match recordings. You assist the international tv-companies for example with the player interviews.


First aid team provides first aid to anyone who needs it (spectators, staff, other participants) and make sure that necessary actions are done.

LOGISTICS | Transportation Team

Transportation team drives the referees, jury members and IFF members from place to place. Transportation in mainly needed between the Helsinki-Vantaa airport, the hotels and the tournament arenas.

